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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Agourides, Savas u.a.Mittelpunkt Bibel : Ulrich Fick zum 60. Geburtstag1983
2Akenson, Donald Harman u.a.McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Religion
3Aland, Kurt u.a.Wissenschaft und Kirche : Festschrift für Eduard Lohse1989
4Albrecht, Ralf u.a.Dein Wort ist die Wahrheit : Festschrift für Gerhard Maier ; Beiträge zu einer schriftgemässen Theologie1997
5Anderson, James Norman Dalrymp... u.a.Vocation and Victory : an international symposium presented in honour of Erik Wickberg1974 ?
6Anderson, Neil T. u.a.Der Kampf mit satanischen Engeln1993
7Armerding, Carl Edwin u.a.With Heart, Mind & Strength : the best of Crux, 1979-1989, volume one1990
8Arn, Win u.a.Wachsen oder welken? : Grundsätze und Anregungen für die Ortsgemeinde1978
9Baer, Richard A. u.a.Perspectives on the New Pentecostalism1976
10Barnett, Paul William u.a.Doing Theology for the People of God : studies in honor of J. I. Packer1996
11Barnhouse, Donald GreyExpositions of Bible Doctrines Taking the Epistle to the Romans as a Point of Departure (4 volumes)1982-
12Barnhouse, Donald GreyMan's Ruin : Romans 1:1-32 | God's Wrath : Romans 2-3:1-201982
13Barnhouse, Donald GreyGod's Remedy : Romans 3:21-4:1-25 | God's River : Romans 5:1-111982
14Barnhouse, Donald GreyGod's Grace : Romans 5:12-21 | God's Freedom : Romans 6:1-7:25 | God's Heirs : Romans 8:1-391982
15Barnhouse, Donald GreyGod's Covenants : Romans 9:1-11:36 | God's Discipline : Romans 12:1-14:12 | God's Glory : Romans 14:13-16:271982
16Beach, Shelly u.a.A Visual History of the King James Bible : The Dramatic Story of the World's Best-Known Translation2011
17Blanchard, Kenneth H. u.a.Das Minuten-Manager-Buch2007
18Block, Walter u.a.Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice ; Proceedings of a conference held in Regina, December, 19831985
19Bloesch, Donald G.Jesus Christ : saviour & lord1997
20Bloesch, Donald G.The Finality of Christ and Religious Pluralism1997
21Bloesch, Donald G.God the Almighty : Power, Wisdom, Holiness, Love1995
22Bloesch, Donald G.Faith & Its Counterfeits1982
23Bloesch, Donald G.Christian Foundations / Donald G. Bloesch1992-
24Bloesch, Donald G.A Theology of Word & Spirit : authority & method in theology1992
25Bloesch, Donald G.Theological Notebook : Volume I ; 1960 - 19641989
26Bloesch, Donald G.God, Authority, and Salvation1978
27Bloesch, Donald G.The Evangelical Renaissance1973
28Bloesch, Donald G.The Future of Evangelical Christianity : A Call for Unity Amid Diversity1988
29Bloesch, Donald G.Essentials of Evangelical Theology1978
30Bloesch, Donald G.The Struggle of Prayer1988
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