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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Coleman, Robert E.The Coming World Revival : your part in God's plan to reach the world1996
2Coleman, Robert E.Dry Bones Can Live Again : revival in the local church [7. Aufl.]1969 cop.
3Coleman, Robert E.The Great Commission Lifestyle : conforming your life to kingdom priorities [2. Aufl.]1992
4Coleman, Robert E.The Master's Way of Personal Evangelism1997
5Coleman, Robert E.Written in Blood : a devotional Bible study of the Blood of Christ1972
6Coleman, Robert E.Lernet von mir : die Gedanken des Meisters1991
7Coleman, Robert E.The Master Plan of Evangelism1997
8Coleman, Robert E.Dry Bones Can Live Again : revival in the local church1969 cop.
9Coleman, Robert E.The Master Plan of Evangelism [14. Aufl.]1974
10Coleman, Robert E.Des Meisters Plan der Evangelisation1978
11Coleman, Robert E.The mind of the Master1977
12Coleman, Robert E.The Spirit and the Word1975
13Coleman, Robert E.They meet the Master1971
14Coleman, Robert E.Evangelism on the cutting edge1986
15Coleman, Robert E.Evangelism in Perspective1974
16Coleman, Robert E.The spark that ignites1989
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