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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Bounds, E. M.Satan : his personality, power and overthrow1976
2Bounds, E. M.Heaven : a place, a city, a home1976
3Bounds, E. M.The Essentials of Prayer1979
4Bounds, E. M.Spiritual Life Books
5Bounds, E. M.The Necessity of Prayer [5. Aufl.]1978
6Bounds, E. M.The Weapon of Prayer [2. Aufl.]1977
7Bounds, E. M.Prediger und Gebet1966
8Bounds, E. M.Kraft durch Gebet
9Bounds, E. M.A Treasury of Prayer : The Best of E. M. Bounds on Prayer in a Single Volume [11. Aufl.]1981
10Bounds, E. M.The Reality of Prayer [4. Aufl.]1982
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