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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Booth-Clibborn10 Jahre Krieg in Frankreich und der Schweiz unter der Fahne der Heilsarmee189?
2Booth-Clibborn, Arthur S.Frei um zu siegen
3Booth-Clibborn, Arthur S.Liberté1982
4Booth-Clibborn, Arthur S.Vainqueur!1891
5Booth-Clibborn, Arthur S.Plus Que Vainqueur!1896
6Booth-Clibborn, Arthur S.Frei um zu siegen0
7Booth-Clibborn, Arthur S.Chants de Delivrance et de Combat
8Booth-Clibborn, CatherineThey Endured by the Marechale1934
9Booth-Clibborn, CatherineLove and Courtship : Mit Widmung der Marschallin1926
10Booth-Clibborn, CatherineOur Children0
11Booth-Clibborn, CatherineMiracles Tome 11896
12Booth-Clibborn, CatherineMiracles Tome 21896
13Booth-Clibborn, CatherineIl vous la faut!0
14Booth-Clibborn, CatherineNos enfants1927
15Booth-Clibborn, CatherineAmour et fiancailles1927
16Booth-Clibborn, CatherineMarthe1920
17Booth-Clibborn, CatherineMadeleine et Simon1920
18Booth-Clibborn, CatherineLa femme qui a sauve une nation1920
19Booth-Clibborn, CatherineMarie la mère de notre Seigneur1920
20Booth-Clibborn, CatherineLe pardon0
21Booth-Clibborn, CatherineOu en êtes-vous?0
22Booth-Clibborn, CatherineLa guerre est déclarée1888
23Booth-Clibborn, CatherineLa plus grande injustice du siècle1896
24Booth-Clibborn, CatherineNouvelles Melodies0
1 - 24 von 24
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