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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Alexander, Eric u.a.The Lord Is King : Keswick 19791979
2Baillie, D. M.God was in Christ1948
3Baillie, JohnOur Knowledge of God1959
4Baillie, JohnThe Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought197.
5Baillie, JohnA Diary of Private Prayer1966
6Baillie, JohnOur knowledge of God1939
7Baillie, JohnBaptism and conversion1964
8Baillie, JohnInvitation to pilgrimage1958
9Baillie, JohnInvitation to pilgrimage1960
10Baillie, JohnDiary of Readings1955
11Baillie, JohnA Diary of Private Prayer1961
12Duncan, George BaillieDem Wind und Meer gehorsam sind1968
13Duncan, George BaillieIn der Kraft des Geistes : Person und Werk des Heiligen Geistes im Leben des Gläubigen1977
14Duncan, George BaillieMastery of the Storm1965
15Duncan, George BaillieThree Basic Affirmations of Faith1975
16Duncan, George BaillieThe Words On Our Tongues1981
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