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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Dieter, TheodorConscience and Magisterium in Veritatis Splendor1998
2Donfried, Karl PaulThe Use of Scripture in Veritatis Splendor1998
3Hütter, Reinhard'God's Law' in Veritatis Splendor: Sic et Non1998
4Johannes Paul (Papst, II.)Der Glanz der Wahrheit : Enzyklika Veritatis splendor : über einige grundlegende Fragen der kirchlichen Morallehre1993
5Malcolm, LoisFreedom and Truth in Veritatis Splendor and the Meaning of Theonomy1998
6Meilaender, GilbertGrace, Justification Through Faith, and Sin1998
7Saarinen, RistoProtestant Undertones, Averroist Overtones? : the concept of Nature in Veritatis Splendor1998
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