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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Angeloni, ElvioAnnual Editions : Anthropology 10/11 [3. Aufl.]2010
2Bailey, Garrick u.a.Humanity : An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology [9. Aufl.]2009
3Barley, NigelThe Innocent Anthropologist : Notes from a Mud Hut [14. Aufl.]1986
4Hiebert, Paul G.Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues1994
5Hiebert, Paul G.Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues1994
6Reifler, Hans UlrichAntropologia Missionária para o século XXI2003
7Sievernich, MichaelDie christliche Mission : Geschichte und Gegenwart2009
8Tippett, Alan R.Introduction to Missiology1987
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