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# Person  Titel Jahr
1A Manual for Ministers1955
2Cunliffe-Jones, HubertThe Congregational Ministry in the Modern World : an interpretation by past students and present staff of the Yorkshire United Independent C...1955
3Frei, UeliDer Methodismus in Bulgarien von 1857-1989/902012
4Jenkins, Daniel ThomasThe Congregational Ministry in an Ecumenical Setting1955
5Mahan, AsaAutobiography : intellectuel, moral, and spiritual1979
6McLellan, Nathaniel JohnstonNew Developments in the Conditions and Character of the Congregational Ministry1955
7Nee, WatchmanIst Christus denn zertrennt?1979
8Paul, Robert SydneyThe Elder in Congregational Churchmanship1992
9Schirrmacher, ThomasDer evangelische Glaube kompakt : ein Arbeitsbuch ; das Westminster Glaubensbekenntnis von 1647 mit den Texten aller biblischen Belegstellen...1998
10Vine, Aubrey RussellThe Nature of the Congregational Ministry1955
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