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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Blöcher, Detlef u.a.Worth Keeping : Global perspectives on best practice in missionary retension2007
2Cook, Matthew u.a.Local Theology for the Global Church : Principles for an Evangelical Approach to Contextualization2010
3Parker, DavidDiscerning the Obedience of Faith : A Short History of the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission2014
4Schirrmacher, ThomasThe Koran and the Bible [2. Aufl.]2017
5Schirrmacher, ThomasCulture of Shame / Culture of Guilt : Applying the Word of God in Different Situations2013
6Schirrmacher, Thomas u.a.The WEA Global Issues Series
7Tiplady, RichardOne World or Many? : The impact of globalisation on mission2003
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