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# Person  Titel Jahr
1Some Suggested Answers to Selected Exercises in Introduction to Semantics and Translation1980
2Publications in Lingustic
3Barnwell, Katharine G. L.Introduction to Semantics and Translation : with special reference to Bible translation [2. Aufl.]1984
4Capa, Cornell...die das Wort brachten : ein Bildbericht der Wycliff Bibelübersetzer1963
5Davis, Irvine u.a.Language Data : Asian-Pacific Seriesvor 1979-
6Gordon, Kent H. u.a.Paired Semantic Components, Paired Sentence Reversals and the Analysis of Dhangar (Kudux) Discourse1973
7Hari, Anna MariaAn Investigation of the Tones of Lhasa Tibetan1979/1980
8Longacre, Robert E.Discourse Grammar : Studies in Indigenous Languages of Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador ; Part 11976
9Longacre, Robert E.Discourse Grammar : Studies in Indigenous Languages of Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador ; Part 21977
10Longacre, Robert E.Discourse Grammar : Studies in Indigenous Languages of Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador ; Part 31977
11Longacre, Robert E.Hierarchy and Universality of Discourse Constituents in New Guinea Languages: Discussion2007
12Pike, Kenneth LeeTagmemic and Matrix Lingustics Applied to Selected African Languages1970
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