Über die Bibliothek:
Titel:The World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Modern Ecumenical Movement : A Selected Chronological, Annotated Bibliography (1863-2004) ; Papers, Statements and Reports from Councils, Committees, Departments and Official Commissions
Autor/-in:Mateus, Odair Pedroso
Körperschaft(en):World Alliance of Reformed Churches WARC
Impressum:Genf | World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), 2005
Weitere Angaben:143 S. | engl.
Schlagwort(e):Ökumene | Reformierte Kirche | World Alliance of Reformed Churches WARC
HBZ, BIBJKA.12 (HA006683)Am Standort
tsc, HauptbestandGB 2.3 Mate (PM050893)Am Standort
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